Wesley United Methodist Church
Sunday, February 09, 2025
903 Center St., Bryan, Ohio
Music in WorshipMusic Groups For AdultsChancel ChoirOur Chancel Choir sings during the Traditional Service at 10:45 in the Sanctuary. Rehearsal is held on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 in the Choir Room September through May.
Praise TeamOur Praise Team leads music for the contemporary service held at 9:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Leaders rotate weekly. Practice is usually held on Sunday mornings at 8:30 in the Fellowship Hall.
OrchestraWesley's Orchestra performs during Traditional Service on the second Sunday of the month, under the direction of BJ Bany. Rehearsal is at 8:15 a.m. on the morning of their performance in the Sanctuary September through May.
Chancel Bell ChoirChancel Bell practice is held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in Room 11. Check the church Calendar for performance dates. Julia Rossow is the Director.
Special MusicThe Markey Carillon TowerThe Markey Carillon was made possible by the late John C. Markey, a local businessman and founder of the Aro Corp., and his family. It was designed by Buehrer & Stough of Toledo, who also designed the church. Fabrication of the tower began in 1969 with the erection completed a year later. The overall height of the structure is 125 feet and it consists of 51 bronze bells (2 non-ringing bells were added to the original 49 during the 30th anniversary celebration). The largest bell weighs 1,408 lbs. Cast into each of the 14 largest bells is memorial inscription and appropriate verses for members of the Markey family.
The stainless steel spire and cross at the top of the structure was made by Gilson Screen Company of Malinta, Ohio. The faceted glass cylinder was supplied by Russell Heiser of Westerville, Ohio. He also designed and made the windows of the church. The bells were cast by Petit & Fritsen Bell Foundry in Holland. The four 80' curving steel supports were supplied by Art Iron of Toledo, Ohio. Overall responsibility for the coordination of components and construction was handled by the Weaver Construction Company of Bryan.
The carillon can be played automatically at preselected times, or manually from a console keyboard. It has a tone range of 4 octaves and two notes. Each bell has 5 tones and is tuned individually and in relation to every bell mounted in the vibration free suspension tree. The suspension and bell ringing equipment were manufactured by I. T. Verdin Company.
For more details about the construction or operation of the carillon, you can Contact the Church Office.