Wesley United Methodist Church
Saturday, July 27, 2024
903 Center St., Bryan, Ohio

About Us

Who We Are & Where We Are,

Our History and

What We Believe

We are a spirit-filled community of hope, numbering about 300 in worship services on a typical Sunday morning. A congregation this size is large enough to offer a good variety of ministries, but intimate.


We offer children’s, youth and adult programs during the week, as well as Sunday. Our 3 Sunday worship services address different worship styles and music interests.

We are located in a rural county seat in northwest Ohio, representing a cross-section of the community and surrounding area. Among our worshipers are diverse people with different vocations, levels of income, family arrangements and origins.

We enjoy ample, accessible facilities and grounds for all types of activities, in a convenient location.


History of Our Ministry


Our history as a congregation dates to 1838, when we were established as a mission on the Pulaski Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our story is one of 175+ years of ministry and mission. The stories of our people are intertwined with the stories of the development of the region, Williams County and the City of Bryan.

Our present facility was consecrated for worship in November, 1969. Historically, this congregation has been known for excellence in worship and music, strong mission presence and good ecumenical relationships with other churches in the area.

Our current mission efforts are directed through a variety of cooperative, local missions; and by more distant involvement in hurricane relief and recovery, and partnerships with Grace Children’s Hospital, in Haiti, and the North Katanga Province of the United Methodist Church in The Republic of Congo, Africa.

The People of the United Methodist Church

·Help people in their community

·Accept you for who you are

·Offer a place to belong

·Care for and support each other

·Show respect for others

·Support people facing difficulty

·Guide others to find deeper meaning

·Welcome diverse opinions and beliefs


What We Believe

We United Methodists, along with the Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans and many other denominations, are part of what is usually called the “mainline Church”.  That means we share basic Christian beliefs that are identified in the Apostles’ or Nicene Creeds. What is important about any church is which of the beliefs are most prominent in the life of the church and the worship service.  That is what gives a Church it’s own unique identity.
At Wesley United Methodist Church, the significant beliefs most emphasized are:
† We believe God is real and as Our Creator, he is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives.
† We believe Jesus Christ was a real person who was also, literally, God present in human history.  By his teaching and example, he showed us how we should live.
† We believe through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are “connected” to God and the Holy Spirit is now present to guide and help us understand how to be obedient to God’s will and grow in our relationship with him. 
† We believe grace is given to all because God wants us to have it, not because we have earned it.
† We believe the Church exists to help people know God and discover God’s purpose for their lives.  We do this by lovingly supporting and encouraging each other to live faithfully.
† We believe all people matter to God and, because of that, we hold one another accountable for the things we do, and the things we neglect to do, as we seek to live together in Christian community.
† We believe the Holy Bible was written by people whom God inspired to share their experiences.  Therefore, the Holy Bible is Truth.  It is the best source of spiritual understanding.
† We believe faithfulness is shaped by scripture, prayer, reason, life experiences and tradition. 
† We believe, as we grow in faith through participation in the church, we are prepared for mission and service outside the church.  We confirm our beliefs through actions.
† We recognize the two sacraments of Baptism and Communion.
† We believe in the common mission of all Christian churches, regardless of denominational labels, and seek to be in ministry with them.




Read the monthly district newsletter here